Websites to help you learn about homeschooling. Issues such as homeschooling laws, how to homeschool, ect. can be found
within these websites.

Homeschooling in the United States
This site belongs to a homeschool mom. It not only has resources, but tells about her life as a homeschool parent.
This site is great for finding information about the laws requirements in each state, about homeschool support groups,
and much more.
Welcome to The Home School Mom!
Join over 17,000 moms who are encouraged by reading TheHomeSchoolMom's Free Homeschool Resources newsletter each month!
Every month you will get a newsletter full of homeschool freebies, great educational websites, and motivating articles
when you subscribe to our Free Homeschool Resources newsletter. The Site of the Week is a great weekly newsletter featuring
one great site each week for homeschooler moms. It may be about home organization, current events, homeschool styles, lesson
plans, parenting, or another topic of interest.
The purpose of this website is to make available ways of cutting costs while homeschooling. We hope this will enable
you to save money while maintaining a high quality of education. Some homeschoolers love bargains. Others try to cut costs
out of necessity. Regardless of why you want to cut costs, our goal is to help you do the best you can to save money.
The Homeschooling Adventures website is filled with lessons plans, activities, & worksheets that are broken down
by subject and age. There are also other links to different sites about homeschooling.
This website is sponsored by Homeschooling World Magazine.
This homeschooling website belongs to Beverly Hernandez. She has several articles that have been written by her &
others. Hernandez has tons of links to different resources for different lessons plus other goodies you should check out!
The work of Homeschooling Today magazine is focused and specific. Our commitment to bring the homeschool community useful
information and resources is supported by a Biblical conviction that God uses families to change the world.
"Welcome to! I'm Rebecca Kochenderfer, Co-Founder and Senior Editor.
I've been a homeschool mom for over 16 years – and have loved every minute of it. I have experienced the
ups and downs, searched for the best, and been exposed to the worst. That's why we created To
share our love of homeschooling... and save you the work and frustration of searching site after site after site for that
one special curriculum.
Welcome to
Whether you are just discovering homeschooling, have already started on the homeschool journey, or are looking for support,
encouragement and resources, you have come to the right place. Please take a moment to look at the different services offered
on our web site.
This site is sponsored by HSLDA
An article on 3 ways to reduce the cost of homeschooling
An article about WHEN you should consider homeschooling your children.
A homeschooling program website for military families
Homeschooling in Canada
General information and links, as well as pages on legal requirements in each Canadian province
The Canadian Alliance of Home Schoolers was founded in 1979 by Wendy Priesnitz as Canada's first homeschooling support
group. It is no longer operating, but Wendy continues to write, speak and advocate about learning without schooling around
the world. For ideas and inspiration about learner-directed education (also known as self-directed learning, natural learning,
unschooling, homeschooling, life learning and child-directed home-based learning)
Saskatchewan Home Based Educators (SHBE) is the official voice of home-based educators in Saskatchewan. We assist in
creating a positive social network and a positive political environment for all those who choose home-based education. We
also provide supportive, social and instructional resources for our members.
The Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents (OFTP) is a provincial homeschool group providing support to homeschooling
families and information on home-based education to our members and the public at large.
As a collective voice for the homeschooling community in Ontario, OFTP also serves as an advocacy group and link between
the homeschooling community and the provincial government, school boards and other agencies. Through our liaison work with
the Ministry of Education, we were instrumental in bringing about an official change in the Ontario government's policy towards
homeschoolers, released in June 2002 as Policy/Program Memorandum #131.
OFTP is non-profit, run by volunteers, and open to all homelearning families, inclusive of all languages, all faiths/philosophies
and all educational styles. We enable networking among our members through our newsletter, online homeschool discussion groups
and home-based learning conferences.
Nova Scotia Home Education Association
NSHEA represents a growing number of families committed to quality education of their children at home.
The purpose of the organization is: to safeguard the rights of homeschooling families, to promote awareness of homeschooling
within the province, and to represent their interests at provincial and local levels.
We welcome your support in achieving these goals. NSHEA is non-denominational and inclusive. It represents families that
have a wide variety of reasons for educating their children at home and use many diverse methods to accomplish their goals.
The Alberta Home Education Association (AHEA) began as the response to challenges that had begun to plague home educators
in the province of Alberta. Home education had, for many years, been the domain of families who had poor access to regular
educational facilities, due to distance and other factors.
In the seventies, a movement began that was to change the face of education in Alberta. More parents were becoming concerned
about the secularization of education in the province, and as a result, alternative education methods began to spring up.
Included in the movement was a growing body of parents who decided that educating their children at home was the preferred
method. For some, the school authorities were supportive, but for many more, the authorities were hostile. Because of the
small numbers in this environment, school authorities found it easy to intimidate parents, and methods of appeal were limited.
As a result, a small but knowledgeable group of parents decided to develop a provincial organization. On November 26th,
1986, AHEA registered under the Societies Act of Alberta.
Welcome to the BC Homeschool Association
Homeschooling is one of the four educational options that parents are choosing for their children in Canada, along with
public school, private school, and distance education.
Homeschooling was the original school; however, it has only been in the last decade or two that parents are taking a
closer look at the quality of education that their children are receiving and the environment in which it is being administered.
The reasons to assume the responsibility to school one's own children at home are varied, but one thing is very certain: this
educational option is here to stay!
This website is here to provide the homeschooler with a central source of information on homeschooling. We hope it can
help you to determine if it is a viable educational option for your family, and to assist you in the task of teaching your
Homeschooling in the United Kingdom
Education Otherwise is a UK-based membership organization which provides support and information for families whose children
are being educated outside school, and for those who wish to uphold the freedom of families to take proper responsibility
for the education of their children
This site is home to the UK Home Ed list, somewhere to get everyday home ed and unschooling advice and express concerns.
There are educational quotes, articles, book reviews, places to visit and endless more help and encouragement.
You will notice that this site is biased towards Home Education. I am not 'anti-school'. The aim of this site is to help
parents and children to make informed decisions together as to which style of education, and which method of delivery, will
be best for each child. I also offer down-to-earth support, resources, products, services and camps, by home educators
for home educators. The home education information on this site is relevant in the UK (England), but most of the tools
and services are accessed by users worldwide.
As you're visiting this website you're probably one of the many families wanting to know more about what has been called
‘the quiet revolution’.
Perhaps you're turning to home education as a last resort because of problems in school which cannot be resolved, or
maybe your children are young and you want to take full responsibility for their education from the beginning.
Whatever your situation we want to welcome you and we invite you to explore the new world of home education.
An UK homeschooling website that has many resources. It’s seems to be more geared towards early childhood education,
but has other links to other UK homeschooling sites for the older children. Currently, parts of it is under construction,
but it looks like it will be a fun yet informative site once it is all finished.
Do you believe that learning is the key? Anthony J. D'Angelo said "Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you'll
never cease to grow"
As home educators, that is our aim for our children: to help them develop (or rediscover, if school has taken it from
them) a passion for learning. Dan Snow said "When teaching, light a fire, don't fill a bucket" and that also sums up our approach:
we don't seek to cram our kids full of facts to reproduce in an exam but to set them aflame with a love of discovery and an
interest in the world around them.
This site aims to provide you with information about the UK Home Educators support group, and also hopes to provide you
with plenty of help with regards to home education in general. The site is updated regularly - such as our monthly educational
resources and our brand new Directory of Educational Websites - so why don't you bookmark this site so you can find us again
Homeschooling in Scotland
Welcome to the Schoolhouse Home Education Association website.
A source of information for parents/carers and young people who are starting out on the home-education path, as well
as those who are contemplating the idea or who just want to know more. We hope it will also provide reassurance to all families,
that home education is alive and kicking in Scotland, and that independent information and support is freely available from
Homeschooling in New Zealand
The National Council of Home Educators, New Zealand is an incorporated society set up to encourage, promote, inform and
advance the cause of home education in New Zealand at a national level.
Kiwi Home Educator
This home education / home schooling / homeschooling site for NZ (New Zealand) / Kiwis has information about home education
or home schooling in NZ; and legal and other info. It used to have more - but there are so many sources of info these days
(very different from when the site started in 1997).
Since our children are beyond school age, and we have always had few volunteers, we have decided just to point you to
the facts - and to other sources of HE information.
Canterbury Home Educators (CHE) presently has a membership of approximately 250 families. During the year, many of these
families get together and organize shared activities and resources for their children's benefit. Sports days, activity days,
seminars and an annual family camp provide further general socialization for both parents and children.
Homeschooling in Australia
Tasmanian Home Education Advisory Council
The role of the Council is to provide policy advice and information to the Minister in relation to home education
be responsible for monitoring individual home education programs provide a reference point for queries, respond to
community concerns, and maintain liaison with other agencies about home education organize ongoing support and assistance
to home educators The Council is made up of six volunteer members, three of whom are home educators, the other three appointed
from the Tasmanian community by the Minister
The Council employs a part-time Administration Officer and two part-time Monitoring Officers to facilitate the work of
the Council.
The Tasmanian Home Education Advisory Council assists the Minister for Education by:
advising on effective support for home educators advising on policy issues for home education recording notification
of home education providing a mechanism to uphold the integrity of home education and to prevent abuses of this option
providing an annual report
Homeschooling in South Africa
Cape Home Educators
We work to maintaining a legal environment in which parents are able to educate their own children at home.
We provide information on home education.
We create platforms for home educators to meet and network.
Homeschooling in Japan
Welcome to Homeschooling in Japan! We are here to network and offer support to all families
who are home-based learners in Japan. We also have a specific section for unschoolers at Unschooling in Japan , which has
been added due to requests from unschoolers to have their own site for publishing articles and information specifically geared
towards child-led learning.