Educational Freebie Queen

The Educational Freebies Page
Family Freebies Bi-Weekly Newsletter Page!
Educational Contests Page!
Websites about Homeschooling in General
Websites for Early Childhood Homeschooling
Websites for Homeschooling High School & Beyond
Websites for Homeschooling Children with Special Needs
Websites for Homeschooling Gifted Children
Downloadables & Printables Page!
Online Curriculums Page!
Online Educational Videos Page!
The Math Page!
The Science Page!
The Spelling, Grammar, & Literature Page!
The Typing Page!
The Social Studies, History, & Geography Page!
The Arts & Crafts Page!
The Music Page!
The Parent/Teacher Help Page!
The Misc. BUT Useful Page!
Virtual Tour Site Page
Just for Fun Websites Page
Cassandra's Helpful Hints Page


Hi. I'm Cassandra. Also, known as the Educational Freebie Queen. I am a married mom of three boys. In the past, I have homeschooled all three boys, but currently, I am homeschooling just one of them.


I've created this site to help other homeschooling parents like myself save money on educational materials. I enjoy the hunt, and helping others at the same time.


Educational Freebie Queen


Need some Biblical inspiration? Come to Vicki's Little Corner  !

What's New?

January 17, 2009, Educational Freebies are up on the Freebie Page! 
Please, let me know your thoughts about the site. I sure would love to read them by adding your comments to my guestbook.
The New Bi-Weekly Family Freebie Newsletter is posted!

A few Tidbits to Share

On January 19, 1809, poet, author and literary critic Edgar Allan Poe is born in Boston, Massachusetts. To learn more about Edgar Allan Poe, go to .
On January 23, 1957, machines at the Wham-O toy company roll out the first batch of their aerodynamic plastic discs--now known to millions of fans all over the world as Frisbees. To learn more, check out .

                                    Top Sites - Best Homeschool Sites on the Internet

Illustration: Be my valentine

Valentine's Day/ February 14, 2009
Did you Know? In article with some interesting facts about Valentine's Day.
A Website devoted to Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day cards, ideas, & games for the young ones
Valentine's Day activities of all kinds


Where you can find educational freebies for all ages.