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This is where you will find websites with Music Resources.

Man Playing Guitar with Family

Websites on Music 
A Website for young children that exposes them to classical music.
The Piano Education Page is a one-stop resource for teachers, students, parents of students, and fans of the piano with over 1000 pages of family-friendly information, upgraded monthly. PEP is a non-profit, ad-free site, operated in donated space as a public service since 1995.
Music History 102
A Guide to Western Composers and their Music from the Middle Ages to the Present
BBC Guide to the Orchestra
This website educates children about the orchestra, and how the sections are divided. Plus, it also educates children about the different musical instruments. If your computer has the capability, you can click on sound clips to even hear different music performed by an orchestra as well.
This website allows you to hear & lean about different instruments, to learn to read music, it has information about different musical genres, and has a “This day in music” section that tells you what happened in music history throughout time on the day you check it out.
If you want a website that has information on Classical music, this is the site. Classical Net features more than 7000 files including more than 5200 CD, SACD, DVD and Book reviews and over 5500 links to other classical music web sites. for kids teaches children about classical music. I love the way it is set up. At the beginning page, on the left side, you can pick & choose what types of classical music there is & the site will play an example of it plus a colorful presentation while you are listening. The presentation part is great for the really young ones, b/c not only is it colorful, but has a lot of movement as well.
The site also has the following:
*Brahms Interactive - This online educational experience sets Brahms' music to a story about Brahms and the culture of Vienna Austria in the 1890s. It has chamber music, listening guides, and games. It also includes free, downloadable teachers' lessons and guides.
*Scheherazade Interactive - The symphonic music of Rimsky-Korsakov is set to the story of "The Thousand and One Arabian Nights." Parents can enjoy this activity using the listening guides on each screen and there are four music games for kids. Don't forget to click on the "oil jars" at the bottom of the screen for further learning. This section includes free, downloadable teachers' lessons and guides.
*Alan Chapman Studio - Take a virtual tour of classical radio station KUSC, 91.5 FM, Los Angeles
*Family Listening Activity – In this section, you can enjoy listening to music that imitates the sound of water. Classical pieces have been selected wherein the music sounds like a ship on the sea, a mermaid's song, a storm, a river, and a fountain. This listen-and-learn exercise comes with helpful text and suggestions that parents - who don't have any previous experience in music education - can do and enjoy with their children.
The Practice Spot has a varitey of free music resouces. When you get to the site look under "Free Tools and Resources" in the center of the screen to access:
*Rhythm Gym - Get interactive practice in counting rhythm and time signatures in written music. Click on "Quarter Note Quest" or "Eighth Note Challenge" and then follow the instructions that will take you through each exercise until you gain proficiency. You'll see a piece of music. The idea is to clap out the rhythm correctly. Once you do, you can listen to a midi file and hear it played correctly. You can also print out the music and practice on a keyboard offline. Once you've completed all of the exercises satisfactorily, you can print out a certificate of achievement.
*Chord Wizard - This interactive guide helps you find and learn all of the chords by displaying them on a keyboard.
*Scales Manual - Learn all 24 major and harmonic minor scales with the help of this tool that allows you to see them presented on keyboards.
*Sightreading Genie - Get over 100 exercises to test your sightreading ability.
*Music Crosswords - Have fun solving these puzzles that test your knowledge of music and musicians.

"Youth fades; love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope outlives them all." ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

Where you can find educational freebies for all ages.